Bellmoor Ponds, Bunker & Tiln Wood (IVNR)

Grasshopper Warbler

This quiet and still fairly under watched area of the whole Idle Valley NR has a huge range of habitat types which in themselves attract a wider variety of species. The pines at Bellmoor are home to Jays, Goldcrest and Coal Tit. The Bunker Woodland nearby houses a good selection of wintering finches including good numbers of Siskin and Lesser Redpoll that feed on Alder and Beech. In summer, the area is home to Bullfinch and warblers with Lesser Whitethroat and Grasshopper Warbler noted here amongst more commonly seen species. Tiln Wood has been reduced in size with the fairly recent felling of the pine woodland. An array of former gravel pits is still present here, but some have now almost disappeared into belts of woodland that have established here with no actual active habitat management done for up to thirty years. Even so, this area still has a good selection of birds that are present throughout the year and there is always something of interest if you look carefully. The River Idle and its immediate neighbouring habitats are favoured by birdwatchers who can roam freely around many marked trails here.


Rarities have included:

  • Great Grey Shrike (1987)
  • Golden Oriole (1992)
  • Yellow-browed Warbler (2004)
  • Wryneck (2005)


  • Common Redstart
  • Nuthatch
  • Common Crossbill
  • Pied Flycatcher
  • Siberian Chiffchaff.